Vision Rivermaniac Fast Action Fly Rods
The Vision Rivermaniac is at home on small to medium streams. Availble in both a fast and medium action, the medium action excells on small streams when presenting dry flys carefully is paramount. Whilst the fast action is at home on larger streams when you may be nymphing or fishing dry dropper and line control is key.
Vision on The Rivermaniac
Rivermaniac rod series consists of 9 foot rods which are designed as a true all-round fly rods for river fishing. Anglers can choose between two actions whether they prefer a medium action which is perfect for roll- and speycasting and soft presentation or a fast action which is perfect for long casts and pushing tight loops in to a head wind. Rivermaniac series offers ultimate series for every kind of river fishing making it river fishing special forces.
- Medium and Fast action rods
- 4-piece rods
- Half wells in #5 weight and lighter
- Small full wells with a fighting butt in 9’ #6