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Whiting Bronze Dry Fly Cape White dyed Coachman Brown

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The perfect cape for dry fly sizes 10-20.

This is the ultimate dry fly cape! Offering the stiffest and most dense hackles on the market, this cape performs perfectly on the vise. Whiting is the first choice for professional tiers worldwide. 

The grading of saddles and capes tends to cause confusion. All you need to remember is that all Whiting capes/saddles are of equal quality no matter their grade. The grading is only based on the feather count per saddle/cape, and the sizes of flies that those feathers can tie. A platinum saddle/cape will typically have more feathers and tie smaller flies than a bronze saddle/cape.

Capes typically have a wider hook size range and slightly shorter feathers than saddles.

Whiting Farms was founded in 1989 by Dr. Tom Whiting. His vision was to produce the most premium selection of fly tying feathers possible - and he has done just that.

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