This fly is a “Tasmanian” version of a wonderful English fly called the “Bristol Hopper”. This style of fly was first introduced to Australia by John Horsey many years ago when he came to Australia to run a few lake fishing courses. John is arguably the world’s best lake angler and was responsible for furthering our lake fishing skills – especially from a drifting boat.
Bristol Hoppers are some of my favourite flies to use on still waters and part of their effectiveness is due to their “low riding” nature in the water. While this helps in getting eaten by trout, it makes them hard to see. This is an even bigger problem when you are a guide as many clients have trouble seeing their flies at the best of times. The addition of a possum wing (increased floatation) and an orange hackle (great visibility) has made this fly easy to see, and hard for any trout to refuse as the hackle also acts as an attractor.
Best used when fishing in bright, windy conditions, this fly lends itself to “shark” fishing in Great Lake or simply fishing blind around the edges and shorelines of Tasmania’s crystal clear lakes in summer. When gum beetles are present it seems to work even better again. It is also a wonderful western lakes fly and if you struggle to see your fly, this will be a great edition to your armoury. Barbless.