We love this new system from C&F and can see it being most useful when on fishing trips. Having the ability to add pages in and out of fly boxes or chest storage without painstakingly removing or adding flies individually. This version of the chest storage is by far our favourite.
The chest storage has evolved with the new foam changing system.
An adjustable integrated lanyard built around the new C&F foam changing system, You can transfer and use two system foams with this chest storage. It comes with two micro-slit foams as standard equipment.
-Two standard-equipped foam changers, large size standard system foam and large size midge system foam, are included.
● A tippet holder that can store 3 tippet spools.
● The attached hook case can be used to store small indicators and shots.
● The standard oval magnetic fly patch uses a powerful neodymium magnet to hold flies securely.
Weight: 273.5g
Weight incl. Package: 338.5g