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Salty Christmas In Victoria

A Holiday for Anglers: How to Combine Your Christmas Break with Fly Fishing

For many of us, the Christmas holidays are a time to relax with family, but if you’re an avid fly fisher, you may find yourself dreaming of wetting a line in some exotic location. The good news is, you don’t need to travel far to enjoy a satisfying fly fishing adventure. Chris Beech suggests that holidaymakers, especially those based in Greater Melbourne, can blend their family vacation with a rewarding fishing experience, all within a few hours' drive of the city.

Keep It Simple: Fishing on the Fly

Rather than planning a full-scale fishing expedition, Beech encourages anglers to treat their Christmas vacation as an opportunistic fly fishing trip. You don't need a pile of new gear—just pack the essentials and add a few key items like tapered leaders or a selection of flies to target new species. The goal is to enjoy a relaxing fishing session, not necessarily to catch trophies, and that often means keeping things simple and making the most of the time you have.

The key to a successful holiday fishing trip is planning ahead. Beech has managed to sneak a rod along on numerous family holidays, and you can too—whether you're heading to the beach, a river, or a quiet estuary. A bit of early-morning fishing can offer solitude and peace before the crowds arrive, giving you a perfect window for catching fish without the distractions of swimmers or jet-skiers.

Popular Fly Fishing Destinations Near Melbourne

While many Melburnians head to inland Victoria or coastal areas like the Mornington Peninsula, Inverloch, or Barwon Heads during the holiday season, these spots also offer excellent fishing opportunities. Here’s a look at some great options within a couple of hours' drive:

  • Inverloch
    This seaside village, along with nearby Venus Bay, provides access to sheltered waters and surf beaches. Fishing in Andersons Inlet and Corner Inlet offers a chance to target species like Australian salmon, flathead, whiting, bream, and more. The area's estuaries and feeder creeks are perfect for fishing on the fly, with shallow waters ideal for surface flies.

  • Mornington Peninsula
    The peninsula offers diverse fishing environments, from sheltered bayside flats to rocky headlands and deep-water channels. With species like flathead, whiting, and trevally inhabiting the area, the peninsula is an excellent spot for both novice and experienced fly fishers. The flats are particularly productive when you target current seams, drop-offs, and underwater reefs.

  • Barwon Heads/Ocean Grove
    The Barwon River estuary, with its tidal flats and deep channels, offers great opportunities for catching flathead, salmon, and even mulloway. The key to success here is timing your fishing to coincide with the incoming tide when fish move up onto the flats to feed.

Fly Fishing Etiquette and Tips

When fishing during the busy holiday period, it's essential to be mindful of the increased foot traffic. Be respectful of other beachgoers by checking the area behind you before making a backcast, especially when fishing near shorelines or while wading. By getting out early, you'll enjoy a more peaceful fishing experience and have the chance to catch fish before the crowds arrive.

Fly Patterns to Pack

For a successful holiday flyfishing trip, it helps to have a range of fly patterns in your box. Chris Beech recommends several proven flies for different species:

  • Bendbacks – Great for shallow water fishing, particularly for whiting.
  • Clouser Deep Minnow – A versatile fly that imitates small baitfish and shrimp, ideal for flathead.
  • Deceivers – Effective for larger fish like trevally and salmon, especially in clear water.
  • Popper Flies – Perfect for surface strikes, especially for species like estuary perch.
  • McVay’s Gotchas and Crazy Charlies – These bonefish flies are excellent for bream, whiting, and trevally.

Tackling the Salt

While you don’t need specialized equipment for holiday fishing, Beech suggests using a 7-weight rod for estuary work or a heavier 10-weight for bigger species like snapper. When fishing in saltwater, a durable reel with a sealed drag system is essential for handling powerful fish. If you’re targeting shallower flats, a floating line will work fine, but for deeper water, consider a sinking line or clear wet tip fly line.

Make It a Family Affair

The beauty of combining a family holiday with a bit of fly fishing is that it doesn’t require long hours spent on the water. By fishing early in the morning, you’ll have plenty of time to spend with your loved ones later in the day. And with a bit of planning, you’ll be able to sneak in some quality fishing without detracting from the family fun.

So, this Christmas, pack your fly rod along with the presents. Whether you’re heading to the beach or the estuaries, there’s plenty of opportunity for flyfishing just a short drive from Melbourne. Get in touch with The Flyfisher today, grab a few essential flies, and hit the water for a holiday break with a difference!

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